A Pinch Of SaLT  

Welcome to A Pinch of SaLT!

SaLT stands for Speech and Language Therapy and I am a Speech and Language Therapist (SaLT). I use SaLT as an acronym as I work in education, so SLT (which can also be an abbreviation for Speech and Language Therapy) means something different there! You can find out more about the person behind A Pinch of SaLT on the About Us tab. 

On this website I share resources, musings and information on evidenced based practise. It's all free (no really- no adverts or subscriptions etc). I would love to hear from you if you have any feedback or something you'd like to see. You can contact me on the Contact Us page.

Please note that I do not provide Independent Speech and Language Therapy or provide specific clinical advice through this site. If you are looking for an Independent Speech and Language Therapist in the UK you can search The Association of Speech and Language Therapists in Independent Practice (ASLTIP) database.